Compared to almost any other city web site Willmar's leaves a lot to be desired. I have put the city of Waconia's site on this blog for you to look at. I will be putting up a survey about the web site this week.
My issue now is that last week I sent an email to city building inspector Tom Rosemeier requesting some information. I noticed that when I sent it that the email address (even though it is next to Tom's name) actually was for J. Palusky. I don't know how long Mr. Palusky has been gone from city employment, but I think it has been some time. Not hearing any response I followed up on it and still not hearing anything sent the email to Community Development Administrator Bruce Peterson. Mr. Peterson, did respond and advised me that Mr. Palusky was no longer employed by the city. I advised him that I knew that, but Mr. Rosemeier's name showed the email address for him. This was last week and checking today his email address still has not been corrected. This entire web site needs to be completely redone and in a better format. There are so many good ones out there that really give you information and are easy to navigate. They still haven't made any corrections that I called to their attention at the open forum. It seems to me that the city administrator has forgotten how to administrate his staff. On the other had he likes to administrate council members. My thoughts again! Tell your council people that you would like a web site that is in the 21st century. Last note, the code section doesn't even have the zoning ordinances included.
1 comment:
John and people of Willmar. We all need to look at the whole attitude of the city council and staff as they relate to the public (whom they work for). The web site is a perfect example of the city staff (with no direction from council) doing nothing out of their way to inform and provide information for the public at large. It's time for changes! However, we must look ourselves in the mirror and do something about it. Don't re-elect these non-responsive people! It all starts with no leadership from the Mayor and then continues on with no leadership from the council members. Look closely at your decision to re-elect any incumbents.
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